MIT Technology and Policy Program


TPP student research spans many domains, but shares methodologies and goals. Examples of award-winning theses and noteworthy research projects are shared here. We also maintain a public database of all TPP thesis titles, with links to web publications where available.

Award-Winning Theses and Student Research Stories

2024 Thesis Prize Winners

  • Michael Giovanniello; “Modeling and Implementation of the U.S. Hydrogen Production Credit” (2024). Advisor(s): Dharik Mallapragada; Ruaridh Macdonald.
  • Kailin Graham; “Doing the Dirty Work: Employment vulnerability to the energy transition implications for climate policy and politics” (2024). Advisor(s): Christopher R. Knittel.

2023 Thesis Prize Winner

2022 Thesis Prize Winners

2021 Thesis Prize Winner

Karan Bhuwalka, recent TPP alum who won best thesis in 2021, reflects on TPP’s interdisciplinary approach and bringing data science, manufacturing, and social issues together in his research on the materials that make up electric vehicles.

Do native ads shape our perception of the news?: Manon Revel

Often masquerading as legitimate news, so-called “native” ads, pushed by content recommendation networks, have brought badly needed revenue to the struggling U.S. news industry. But at what cost? TPP alum Manon Revel is now a PhD student in the IDSS Social and Engineering Systems PhD program. Her TPP thesis advisor was Prof. Ali Jadbabaie.

Health Savings of Renewable Energy: Emil Dimanchev

Research from TPP alum Emil Dimanchev, who won TPP’s best thesis award in 2019, found that health savings from cleaner air would more than pay for the cost of implementing renewable energy policies. His thesis was advised by TPP director Noelle Selin.

Thesis Database

Thesis Titles, 1977 to 2015

ALL 1977 1978 1979
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
  • Jeffrey Bailey; “Economics and Policy for Energy Conservation in New Buildings;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Christopher Barnett; “The Prospects for Remanufacturing of Metalworking Products in the Andean Countries;” SM, 1981 (9/1/1980)
  • Stuart Batterman; “The Characterization of Ambient Air Pollution for Stochastic Health Models;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Douglas Brittain; “The Passive Restraint Controversy: Analysis and Recommendations;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Jean-Bernard Caen; “New Computer Concepts and its Effect on Decision Support Systems;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Oswaldo Cortez; “Mingling Human Values in the Development Planning Process;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Newton de Castro; “Lash Versus Conventional Water Transport System: An Economic Comparison for the Amazon Region;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Frank Field III; “An assessment of the expected value of a pre-transportation testing program for high level nuclear waste forms;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981) (Elias Gyftopoulos, Joel Clark)
  • Winslow Hayward; “Economic Implications of Alternative Legal Mechanisms to Secure Solar Access;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Barbara Herrmann; “Office Automation and Its Impact on Clerical Workers;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Daniel Jones; “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fire Detectors;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Roger Kilgore; “The Role of Cost Allocation Policies in Planning Regional Water Supply Systems;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Jennifer Knapp-Stumpp; “The Influence of the Engineer's Values and Training on the Assessment of Project Impacts;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Amelia Lee; “Groundwater Impacts of Land Application Systems on Cape Cod, Massachusetts;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Clifford Mitchell; “Uncertainty in Environmental Health Regulation: A Case Study of Formaldehyde in Consumer Products;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • James Spall; “Strategies for Improving Boston's Competitiveness with Other Ports;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Clinton Stanovsky; “Automation and Internal Labor Market Structure: A Study of the Caterpillar Tractor Company;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Julian Villalba; “Theoretical Framework for the Management of Technology Transfer Negotiations;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)
  • Laurence Zwimpfer; “Standards-Setting for Computer Communications: The Case of X.25;” SM, 1981 (5/1/1981)

MIT Technology and Policy Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307