TPP provides or oversees several policy research and engagement opportunities. Some are open to MIT students who are not in the TPP program. Technology and Policy students also lead or participate regularly in policy-related activities on campus and beyond that may be open to other students.
MIT Policy Hackathon
Convened by IDSS and TPP students, the MIT Policy Hackathon addresses relevant societal challenges via data and policy analysis. Participants work in teams to develop creative policy solutions to problems posed by governmental and industry partners. Participants come from a wide range of backgrounds, from public policy to data science to engineering.
Presidential Fellows Program
TPP handles the application and selection process for the MIT representative to the Presidential Fellows Program at the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (CSPC) in Washington, DC. The Fellowship provides collegiate students in the United States and around the world with the opportunity to study the U.S. Presidency, the public policymaking process, and our President’s relationships with Congress, allies, the media, and the American public. Over the course of an academic year, Fellows learn about leadership and governance, share their outstanding research, and explore careers in public service. Typically, Fellows are seniors in an undergraduate program, but advanced underclassmen or graduate students can also participate. TPP covers the Fellow’s travel funds to conferences in DC.
Graduate Certificate Program in Science, Technology and Policy
The MIT Certificate Program in Science, Technology and Policy (STP) seeks to complement the outstanding academic experience MIT currently provides to its science and engineering PhD students with a rigorous introduction to the social and policy contexts in which their research is embedded. The required curriculum provides a coherent, rigorous introduction to the STP arena that can be reasonably integrated with the traditional PhD workload.
MIT Energy Conference
The MIT Energy Conference, organized by the MIT Energy Club, is the largest student-led energy conference in the U.S. Industry professionals, students, researchers, engineers, academics, policymakers, analysts, and folks enthusiastic about the future of energy and energy technologies are all encouraged to attend.
Science Policy Initiative
The MIT Science Policy Initiative is a group of postdocs and students (graduate and undergraduate) who work closely with the MIT DC Office and other science policy advocates to foster discourse between the scientists of tomorrow and policy-makers of today.
Science Policy Review
The MIT Science Policy Review is a researcher-run publication founded in 2019 whose primary purpose is to publish accessible and authoritative science policy reviews authored by members of the broader MIT community for dissemination to the wider public. Additionally, the MIT Science Policy Review aims to be a resource for local, state, federal, and international policymakers who are involved in the creation and funding of science policies, especially those that are highly technical in subject matter. The Review is partially funded by MIT Technology and Policy Program.
TPP DC Career Exploration Trip (TPP students only)
This annual trip to DC allows TPP students to meet with TPP and MIT alumni at agencies and organizations and for current TPP students and TPP alumni to network and socialize.
Policy Internship Funding (TPP students only)
The Technology and Policy Program provides funding for policy summer internships to select TPP students